
Useful Questions

Does Klassco offer --watch or hot reload?

Klassco offers its most valuable insights when used as post-development reflection. This allows you to focus on impactful refactoring opportunities instead of getting bogged down in ongoing edits.

Please read How to Abstract [↗]

Can I skip to class combos with greater lenghts?

Suppose you wish to directly ascend to level 7 (--min 7). It's important to understand that abstracting 7 classes into a highly generalized form is not feasible due to their complex nature.

If your abstraction is overly specific, its reusability diminishes, leading to wasted time and effort. Instead, adopt a layered approach where each layer depends on the one below it.

In practical scenarios, you typically won't exceed 5 to 8 layers. However, these layers are portable and can be utilized across different projects or shared with others.

This approach will significantly reduce the time previously spent on such tasks, enhancing your efficiency.

Please read How to Abstract [↗]